Active Bio-decon Pass Through Chambers Su Misura

Active Bio-decon Pass Through Chambers Su Misura

Le Active Bio-decon Pass Through Chambers Su Misura sono personalizzate in accordo a specifici requisiti dell’utente.

Tali pass box consentono un trasferimento asettico di materiali all’interno delle cleanroom.

I materiali sono sterilizzati all’interno delle Pass Through Chambers per mezzo di un sistema di Bio-decontaminazione integrato.

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The AB-PTC assures the highest air quality of the isolated environment thanks to:
– an engineered filtration system composed by High-Efficiency Particulate Air (H14) flow and exhaust filters;
– HYPER, Tema Sinergie’s integrated Vapour Phase Hydrogen Peroxide (VPHP) bio-decontamination system for very fast bio-decon cycle
– inflatable seals made of FDA-approved White Silicon
The integrated ventilation system of the chamber guarantees a pressure cascade between the adjoining rooms and the chamber itself. This cascade preserves the asepsis of the materials after the termination of bio-decontamination process prior to extraction into the cleanroom.


Maximizing operator protection is a key feature when handling BSL-1 through 4 organisms. AB-PTC assures the maximum safety thanks to the following features:
– HYPER, an integrated VPHP system for the decontamination of materials prior to extraction from the BSL facility
– pressure control strategy to prevent back flow of air the BSL and non BSL boundaries.
– bio-sealed doors and sheathings to avoid any leak between BSL and non BSL boundaries.
The AB-PTC is therefore the perfect adaptable solution to decontaminate equipment/materials prior to taking it out of a BSL facility, to avoid leak of potentially hazardous organisms towards the external areas.


The AB-PTC is equipped with a routine automatic leak testing system which performs an independent leak test cycle for each chamber according to the pressure change method (5.2) ISO 10648-2:1994(E).


A remote control module made of AISI 304 stainless steel, containing electrical and pneumatic components, allows direct access for all maintenance operations.
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection allows a secure and private communication via Internet network and provides remote access and assistance, updates and maintenance any time, everywhere.


Fully custom-designed Active Bio-decon Pass Through Chambers according to user requirements. Custom-designed carts and cart-to-cart systems available.


The AB-PTC can also be upgraded with an Integrated Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) – iFIX with Historian Data Management Software (DMS) from GE Digital.
DataWall, a software application developed by Tema Sinergie for data management, is also available upon request.


Thanks to the new sustainable low voltage ventilation fans, the isolator has a very low energy consumption throughout its life.


Il sistema di ventilazione integrato garantisce un gradiente pressorio tra i due ambienti adiacenti e la Pass Through Chamber stessa.

Questa cascata pressoria preserva l’asepsi dei materiali dopo il termine del processo di bio-decontaminazione, prima dell’estrazione del materiali all’interno della cleanroom.

Progettata su misura per adattarsi alle singole applicazioni.

Reg. Impr. di RA, C.F., P.IVA, VATn. IT00970310397
Iscr. Reg. Imprese di Ravenna n. 00970310397  |  R.E.A. 111877
RAEE IT08020000002755
Capitale Sociale € 2.000.140,08 int. vers.